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Author Profile

Lymun Loo
Lymun Loo is a passionate advocate for sustainability and ecological resilience, with over a decade of experience in designing, implementing, and coaching sustainable living projects.

Inspired by the Transition Towns movement, Permaculture principles, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Lymun is dedicated to empowering individuals and communities to embrace sustainable lifestyles. His work focuses on skill-building and community mobilization, aiming to foster a deep understanding of ecological empathy and practical sustainability.

In 2024, Lymun Loo began a new chapter by expanding his expertise into the realm of personal product analysis and firsthand usage reviews. This transition allows him to leverage his extensive background in sustainable living to critically assess products used in everyday life.

Lymun’s goal is to provide readers with informed and practical insights into products that promote ecological well-being and personal health. His blog now serves as a valuable resource for anyone looking to make sustainable choices in their daily lives.
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